Come one, come all to the worlds first annual “C-Lo Scramble” A crazy haired brained idea I had to do try something different for this years Born Free Texas Motorcycle Show! I’ve invited 6 of my favorite builders from around the country to build a Shovelhead chopper as an ante to the craziest dice game every played! Make sure buy your tickets HERE for early bird pricing. You will not wanna miss this! This is the 1st of 6 episodes with all the builders. Special thanks to B&B Racing for providing the Shovelhead motor one of these guys will win, Lowbrow Customs and Cycle Electric Generators for taking some of the financial burden off these guys, and for featuring all these builders. Look forward to a feature article in Choppers Magazine Highlighting all these guys as well.
#451 J-Ryan C-Lo Scramble
Come one, come all to the worlds first annual “C-Lo Scramble” A crazy haired brained idea I had to do try something different for this years Born Free Texas Motorcycle Show! I’ve invited 6 of my favorite builders from around the country to build a Shovelhead chopper as an ante to the craziest dice game every played! Make sure buy your tickets HERE for early bird pricing. You will not wanna miss this! This is the 1st of 6 episodes with all the builders. Special thanks to B&B Racing for providing the Shovelhead motor one of these guys will win, Lowbrow Customs and Cycle Electric Generators for taking some of the financial burden off these guys, and for featuring all these builders. Look forward to a feature article in Choppers Magazine Highlighting all these guys as well.
#450 Warren Heir Jr C-Lo Scramble
Come one, come all to the worlds first annual “C-Lo Scramble” A crazy haired brained idea I had to do try something different for this years Born Free Texas Motorcycle Show! I’ve invited 6 of my favorite builders from around the country to build a Shovelhead chopper as an ante to the craziest dice game every played! Make sure buy your tickets HERE for early bird pricing. You will not wanna miss this! This is the 1st of 6 episodes with all the builders. Special thanks to B&B Racing for providing the Shovelhead motor one of these guys will win, Lowbrow Customs and Cycle Electric Generators for taking some of the financial burden off these guys, and for featuring all these builders. Look forward to a feature article in Choppers Magazine Highlighting all these guys as well.
#449 Daril Borba C-Lo Scramble
Come one, come all to the worlds first annual “C-Lo Scramble” A crazy haired brained idea I had to do try something different for this years Born Free Texas Motorcycle Show! I’ve invited 6 of my favorite builders from around the country to build a Shovelhead chopper as an ante to the craziest dice game every played! Make sure buy your tickets HERE for early bird pricing. You will not wanna miss this! This is the 1st of 6 episodes with all the builders. Special thanks to B&B Racing for providing the Shovelhead motor one of these guys will win, Lowbrow Customs and Cycle Electric Generators for taking some of the financial burden off these guys, and for featuring all these builders. Look forward to a feature article in Choppers Magazine Highlighting all these guys as well.
#448 Nick Rest C-Lo Scramble
Come one, come all to the worlds first annual “Build Off Trade Off!” A crazy haired brained idea I had to do try something different for this years Born Free Texas Motorcycle Show! I’ve invited 6 of my favorite builders from around the country to build a Shovelhead chopper as an ante to the craziest dice game every played! Make sure buy your tickets HERE for early bird pricing. You will not wanna miss this! This is the 1st of 6 episodes with all the builders. Special thanks to B&B Racing for providing the Shovelhead motor one of these guys will win, Lowbrow Customs and Cycle Electric Generators for taking some of the financial burden off these guys, and for featuring all these builders. Look forward to a feature article in Choppers Magazine Highlighting all these guys as well.
#447 The Saga of Dirty Gary
First off I don’t think he’s that dirty but they may feel otherwise over there. Landed bikes cleared clutch is smoked. Fish and chips, before sniffin fish.
#446 Jeff Milburn post "The Bikeriders" release
So I went back to Jeff Milburn’s after seeing “The Bikeriders” with and handful of personal questions and also a handful of questions from multiple friends. If you haven’t seen the movie, spoiler alert. Go see it, and if you haven’t listened to the podcast I recorded with Jeff prior to the release find it here.
#445 Andrew Arthur "Simo" Simonson
I knew Simo had some experience with choppers but I had no idea to what extent. As you’ll find out he’s been building choppers since before the TV chopper craze and was right there with Jesse James as he built up West Coast Choppers from home garage to employing 60+ dudes cranking out CFL’s! Make sure the next event you’re at and you see the Huckleberry booth to stop by and say hello to him and his wife Dana, buy a bandanna or two and challenge Simo to a chill dog eating competition or ask him about the pornos they used to film in the shop! Enjoy this podcast!
#444 Garret Peterson @Dum_Rush
Pink Scooter kid! Garret just built a bitchin shovelheead and flew over to London. At this moment he is still fighting with customs to get his bike cleared for travel. Follow him on IG @dum_rush and hunt him down for a beer. Here we talked about what led up to this trip. Enjoy!
#443 Baja Road Show NORRA 1000
What?!?!? Roadshow? Yeah its a little different but I think you’ll enjoy. Big thanks to Tyler Valentik and the whole NORRA 1000 team for putting on such a rad race and letting us get in the way all the way down! They say its “The Happiest Race on Earth” and I don’t think they’re wrong.
#442 HD Trivia with Goyo
Better pour up a big glass of whiskey to go down with this one as I test run all the questions we used in the recent Mama Tried Flat Out Friday podcast we recorded at the Harley-Davidson Museum earlier this year. Big thanks to the staff at the museum for letting us use their space and putting these questions together.
Another one from the Mama Tried Flat Out Friday Podcast takeover in Milwaulkee Wisconsin. This one I recorded poolside underneath the Rave ballroom at the sacred empty haunted pool. It was rad to hear the history of the Mama Tried show from Zac’s perspective running HEAVY clothing since the very first one. He talks about some of the different iteration of other midwest clicks and shows. We also touched on the beginnings of the Texas show Giddy Up! Enjoy!
#440 Diego and Marco
A skater and a builder, from the border! Rad cats doin rad shit on the border of Texas. El Paso is their home and they are proud of their heritage and I am proud to call them friends. Enjoy this podcast.
@lesroam @snakenddestroy
#439 Chuck Garric
Another banger from Mama Tried in Milwaulkee! Got to catch up with legendary guitar player Chuck Garric who fronts Beasto Blanco when he’s not touring with Alice Cooper. When he doesn’t have a guitar in his hand he’s twisting throttles or busting knuckles honing his skills around his iron steed!
#438 Buck Shaw
Don’t miss another year at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch for the Motorcycle and Music Revival!
#437 Bobby and Drew
Bobby GoodTimes and Drew from Evolution Cycle join me on the floor of the Rave as we takeover the Mama Tried Flat Out Friday Podcast. Drews won the Peoples Champ back when Showclass run it and has been going to Mama Tried from the beginning! Drew has a shop called Evolution Cycles out of Alton Illinois. Get ready this one goes hard! Follow the Link below to watch the full episode…
#436 Sean Jackson
Sean Jackson of Competition Distributing talks choppers and racing old bikes. He’s built some rad bikes over the past few years and has another one on the way! Enjoy.
#435 Jonny "Grommet" Bourgault
Spent some time in Charlotte at Prism Supply on my way to Daytona after Mama Tried. All the other guys were gun shy but Jonny so I learned a little about him. He’s in charge of all the product imagery at Prism Supply as well as being a killer dude who loves choppers.
#434 MT FOF HD Museum Trivia
After spending time listening to Meateater Trivia I finally got one together of my own with the help of the Harley Davidson Museum. Chris Ripstien put together some questions for me to test the founders of the Mama Tried Show and Flat Out Friday while I was in Milwaulkee for their show. It was incredibly fun and you can watch the entire show now on their YT Channel HERE. Thank you fellas!
#433 Jake Payton
I hope your ready for this! Jake works at Browns Cycle here in Dallas Texas, one of the first shops ever featured by and recently he went down to see exactly what was going on at the Texas Mexico border. He was fired up so I brought him on to hear what he learned but it didn’t stop there.